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Academy Of Modern Tantra

Worldwide Accredited Tantra Training School Spain, Marbella & Uk


Get a Worldwide Tantra Accreditation

 & start running your own Tantra Business in Spain, Marbella

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Neo-Tantra Training School

A Bioenergetic Somatic Body Worker Program

Tantra Massage Training Courses Marbella Spain.

The academy of Modern Tantra is a Worldwide Accredited Tantra Practitioner Training School based in Spain, Marbella, and the UK, Milton Keynes. 


Due to the recent Covid situation and changes in travel laws we have been unable to run our normal tantra courses in Marbella.


So we are now looking forward to offering this incredible program as a combination of online Videos followed by

1 live Zoom on completion of each Video.

Online is the way of the future for now. 





The AOMT is now going to bring you this unique Tantra Course online SOON, so that you can learn tantra from Marbella or anywhere in the world in fact. 


Want to start a new Tantra business in spain ?

Once you are certified and have practised you would then be eligible to have the opportunity to sign into our Tantra Teacher Training Program.

This would enable you to start training individuals yourself in Neo-Tantra.

Join us in working towards our shared mission of Global Healing

Tell me about the course content ?





This life-changing Tantra Practitioner program is taught to you in a way that you can learn it and deliver the structure in exactly the same way to your clients alternatively you can use this as a platform and framework to build into your own personalized program incorporating all of your own gifts and practices.

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